Currently, the way Euroscope handles XFLs and PELs is that no matter how far the aircraft is away from the FCOPX or COPX it will force coordination to the next sector, and from my understanding, TopSky simply piggybacks on this system.
Without a functioning OLDI I imagine it may be a little difficult to manipulate but if it could be looked at it would be great. It seems awkward as being the assumed sector, it appears the "ACT" gets sent as soon as you assume the label but to the downstream sector, it appears as if it simulates the time between the ABI and ACT.
In EISN, ACT messages are sent 12 minutes from FETX. If an XFL is changed before this time, the XFL will change without forcing coordination, if it is changed after, it will force coordination to the next sector.
If before the 12 minutes, you want to change the XFL but also want to force coordination, there is an option in the XFL window called "FORCE RAP" which IRL sends the ACT with an RRV attached high-lighting the level that is being coordinated.
Also, if you have an assumed aircraft going into an unmanned sector (UNICOM) and the Euroscope .exe file has a default XFL set for an arrival let's say to London, you cannot change the XFL.
Would it be possible for TopSky to take over handling of all of this?