ATIS generation is now supported directly in Euroscope
ATIS is mainted by the following web link, which is included as the ATIS maker in all new-ish BIRD sector files. To make use of this, select one of the ATIS code slots on the Euroscope title bar.

Select the desired position in the ATIS callsign dropdown. Check Automatically generate new ATIS using this URL, then click Test URL. You can then connect the ATIS by using the Connect ATIS button.

Compared to vATIS, this ATIS will automatically include:
- Runway condition and SNOWTAMs.
- Significant NOTAMs.
- Active SIGMETs.
- Area closures, depending on your active runway configuration. If you are staffing a position on BIKF or BIRK, you MUST select an active runway for both airports, even if you are not controlling top-down - just select the best runway based on the winds.
Our thanks to Ollie Killean for generating this ATIS for us