The Ground Radar plugin has two modes, one based on the SAAB A3000 A-SMGCS system and the other on the SAAB RDP air situation display. Besides displaying traffic and providing some basic safety net functionality, the plugin can be set up to provide stand assignments for arriving traffic. Although both of the plugin modes provide some basic functionality from the track labels, they are meant to be used mainly as a visual display of traffic, with some other way such as strips or flight lists to gather and input flight data.
Download link
[] (link to OneDrive folder containing the latest version, older version(s) available in the Archive folder)
Package contents
The package contains the plugin dll, its manual set, a version history document showing an outline of changes between plugin versions and two data files that can be used with any setup.
To create a new setup, refer to the Developer Guide for information on the required and recommended EuroScope settings, the most important plugin settings and the various plugin data files.
To update an existing setup, just overwrite the old files with the new ones. The GRpluginCargoCallsigns.txt file used by previous versions of the plugin is no longer needed and can be deleted.