Bernardo Reis (1096507) Still couldn't pin point the issue exactly, however it appears that on STAR acknowledge, the FPL gets reset or something similar and the last asssigned CFL and RFL are lost and revert to the previous/FPL values.
After trying out various different cases, I believe this happens when you acknowledge the the STAR when the STAR is not found in the FPL route string. This makes the plugin insert it there and amend the plan. Amending the plan appears to reset any previous controller assigned RFL value which is a bit unexpected. If at that time the CFL was equal to the controller assigned RFL, it also gets reset to the original FPL RFL (this is because on the network the CFL is set to zero when it's equal to the RFL, as it's still handled as a "temporary altitude" which gets discarded if it's the same as the "requested altitude", and any RFL change changes CFL accordingly unless a plugin notices it and intervenes). I have not been able to reproduce the CFL getting reset if it was a value different from the RFL.
I can add a check for a controller assigned RFL in the code before amending the plan and then reassign it. The plugin likely needs changes elsewhere in the code as well now that I know about this behavior...
Romtam Kangsawiwat (1338465) In the SOIR setups, the runway on the left side MUST be defined first. In your setups for 01/02L and 01/02R this is reversed, you're telling the plugin that the approach path for rwy 01 is on the left side of the approach paths to 02L and 02R which is not true. This causes the NTZ areas to be defined wrong (as can be seen in the image) and other issues in the calculations.