Hongye Rudi Zhang (1326158) Juha Holopainen (839337) Is there currently a NOTAM in force that should be activating the area? The one you've posted only informs the area will be activated by NOTAM.
for the remote, if I add ZS(R)001:NOTAM:ZSHA:ZS(R)001 it will active. But If I add that into TopskyArea.txt with ACTIVE:NOTAM:ZSHA:ZS(R)001 then it won't.
Both of those should result in the same activation schedule being entered into the area's data structure. But once again, is there a NOTAM in force that should be activating the area? Without seeing it, I can't know what the plugin's problem would be with interpreting it. The NOTAM activation is a fairly old feature and I haven't had (or heard about) any issues with it.
Hongye Rudi Zhang (1326158) I think you forgot to add Areas_Remote_Activation into the excel, but I found it. Anyway, the problem is that you can't click NOTAM/AUP/remote button.
The setting is in the code but not published in the excel. I've so far had zero feedback on how the remote activation feature works, or if it works at all. If it works fine or at least for the most part, the setting will be published. If some parts work ok, it'll remain an experimental feature with the setting remaining unpublished. In case there are major issues with it, it'll be removed completely from the release build and reintroduced in some later version.
Hongye Rudi Zhang (1326158) Btw, is there anyway to download NOTAM/remote data in the background, which means not opening the airspace windows?
By design the plugin doesn't do data downloads in the background. In some cases a mouse click or two is required, in others the at least the relevant window must be opened.
Mengqiu Liu (1478665) I'm wonder which unicode represents ° in the plugin.
Showing my lack for creative thinking, I've used the "degree sign" character (U+00B0) to display the degree sign. Probably best if you ask for other controllers in your region if they've had the same issue and how they've solved it. If it's the same for everyone without a solution, I can have a look at it sometime in the future, but unfortunately it's much too late for a bigger change like that for this version anymore.